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AI Product Development

Advanced AI product development and consulting services to offer your customers an enhanced user experience and strengthen your organization's positioning as a leader in the field. Let’s partner to unlock new horizons and accelerate your path to success in the evolving digital world

Trusted by Innovative Companies

AI Product Development and Consulting Services

InData Labs is a trusted partner in the AI product development space, offering custom solutions with a focus on novelty. We're a future-focused powerhouse, crafting comprehensive, end-to-end experiences that propel your product to industry leadership.
  • data analysis

    Market Research and Analysis

    Let InData Labs carry out in-depth market research to gain meaningful insights into your user needs.
    By understanding them, we can ensure an efficient AI-driven product development process for building scalable AI solutions.
  • Improved Productivity

    Product Use Cases

    Pinpoint the specific scenarios where AI-driven product development can be effectively implemented to generate considerable business value.
    Our strategic focus ensures that our initiatives are impactful and sustainable in your organization.
  • icon engineering

    Feasibility and Proof-of-Concept

    Evaluate infrastructure and data requirements necessary for the development and validation of the AI solution feasibility.
    Through assessment, we ensure the robustness of AI features in new products.
  • design


    Let us develop initial product designs, including architecture, data architecture, and detailed implementation specifications.
    This phase lays the groundwork for a scalable and novel approach to the design process.
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    Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

    Create an MVP with core features to test among selected segments of users and the market. This early validation allows us to refine the AI product concept, ensuring a more robust alignment with market demands and enhancing the competitive edge.
  • Intelligent Transport

    User Testing

    Let InData Labs perform user acceptance testing (UAT) to verify the product usability, feasibility, and performance of the AI solution.
    This phase ensures the AI solution creates an enhanced user experience and operates effectively in real-world scenarios.
  • Improved Visibility

    Full-Scale Product Launch

    Let us develop a full-scale and agile AI product that incorporates distinctive features derived from market research, testing, and user feedback.
    This iterative approach ensures that the final AI solution fosters a competitive edge.
  • ai customer care analytics

    Post-Launch Support and Maintenance

    Implement enhancements, monitoring, and management of the AI model to address user concerns and optimize performance. Ensure that our solutions remain responsive to evolving user needs.
Are you in search of a trusted partner for AI product development?
Let's get into your requirements and turn a concept into a reality created according to your business needs.

Contact us

The Transformative Power of AI

We present the statistics that highlight the transformative impact of AI on modern business operations. It shows how machine learning is transforming the business landscape and driving meaningful value across sectors.
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    Businesses are implementing AI into their products to gain an edge over their competitors.
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    The expansion of the artificial intelligence market size is predicted for last year.
    Exploding Topics
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    of Fortune 500 firms are already using AI for product enhancement.
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    30% of the expected business cost reductions will be due to AI adoption.

Benefits of AI Integration into Your Product

Unleash disruptive efficiency and forget incremental improvements by wielding cutting-edge applications that go beyond streamlining operations – they eradicate inefficiencies at their root.
  • Refined Workflows Enhance the performance and productivity of your product by integrating AI into it.
  • Personalized Customer Service Implement AI to deliver personalized responses and recommend tailored products and services.
  • Improved Decision-Making Navigate from sentiment analysis to detailed real-time customer analytics effortlessly with AI.
  • Sped up Innovation Utilize AI to drive product innovation and catalyze your industry, building a technological edge.

Our Competence

InData Labs is your business AI product consultant and software developer to help you overcome complex challenges and improve business performance. Our expert team collaborates closely with clients to create distinctive strategies that add significant value and streamline operations.
  • State of the Art Models

    Data Science and Analytical Insights

    Dive into advanced data science and analytical insights with our expert-driven solutions. Harness the power of data to uncover actionable insights and drive informed decisions for your business.
  • icon data analysis

    Data Strategies

    Explore strategic data solutions designed to optimize your business operations and drive growth. From data collection and analysis to implementation, our tailored strategies empower you to leverage data effectively.
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    Business Analytics

    Evaluate your business opportunities with our comprehensive business intelligence solutions. Gain actionable insights and make informed decisions that propel your organization forward.
  • engine mobile app

    AI In Product Development

    Elevate your product development with AI-driven solutions tailored to meet market demands. Our software streamline processes, enhance efficiency, ensuring your products remain at the forefront of technological advancement.
  • ai call center

    AI Product Consulting

    Convert your business with an expert consultancy that transcreates complex problems into simple solutions. From strategy development to implementation, our consultancy provides a personalized approach to any sector.
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    Data Infrastructure Engineering

    Strive to optimize your data infrastructure with our expert engineering services. Our design and deployment of scalable solutions will improve the management of any kind of database.

Why Work With InData Labs

With a proven track record of providing pioneering technology and specialist insight, we enable companies to innovate, optimize operations, and achieve sustainable growth.
  • ai customer
    10 Years Experience
    Since 2014, we have been leading the way in innovation and empowering our clients’ businesses.
  • ai consulting services
    Strong Background
    We started as part of Wargaming, which has given us extensive experience in AI consulting and integration into the product.
  • AI retail vip
    150+ Unique Projects
    An accomplished team with a strong expertise and a proven history of successful solutions across plenty of industries.
  • Favorable/Convenient Terms of Cooperation
    100+ Employees
    A rapidly expanding staff specializing in AI consulting and development, engineering and solutions integration.
  • Global Experience
    Global Name
    A prominent pioneer in world-class artificial intelligence and data science software development.

Industries We Work with

Since 2014, we’ve been helping businesses from various industries adopt AI.

Let Our Clients Do the Talking

  • Reviewed on Clutch
    Pavel Nurminskiy
    Pavel Nurminskiy
    Head of Machine Learning at Creative Research, Wargaming

    If you want to have a stable and efficient product, I recommend working with InData Labs.

    They created an anti-fraud solution for our company, implemented and improved algorithms, and collaborated to deliver a working product. InData Labs’ work helped us save a significant percentage of our marketing budget. Clients can expect a partner who excels at delivering products.

  • Reviewed on Clutch
    Ivan Akulovich
    Ivan Akulovich
    Project Manager of Business Development Department, AsstrA

    The competitiveness of InData Labs in the field of data science impressed us. More importantly, we learned many things from them.

    InData Labs built a new freight rates prediction software for our company. The increased quality of the data results we received dramatically improved our metrics. InData Labs did an excellent job and became our trusted data science partner.

  • Vishal Gurbuxani
    Vishal Gurbuxani
    Co-Founder & CTO, Captiv8

    Without InData Labs we wouldn’t have gotten all the exclusive data from social media that we offer to our customers today. With no doubt, I highly recommend InData Labs for any big data related projects.

  • Reviewed on Clutch
    Eudis Anjos
    Eudis Anjos
    Senior Engineering Manager of GSMA

    InData Labs completed the deliverables on time and met our expectations. They recommended improvements and shared ideas for new features. We appreciated the team’s friendly approach, engagement with the project and the friendliness.

    They were like part of my team, I had the confidence to reach any of the team members at any time. It was as if we were working in the same physical environment.

  • Reviewed on Clutch
    Brent McCarthy
    Brent McCarthy
    CEO & Co-Founder, Myka LLC

    Not only is the team fully capable of delivering what we want, but they also deliver in a timely manner.

    Thanks to our team at InData Labs, we were able to quickly correct all issues/bugs from our previous developers, while implementing a custom algorithm for our most pertinent feature of our app, artificial intelligence. They turned our app around from unusable to outstanding and marketable in a matter of months.

  • Reviewed on Clutch
    Andrew Kovzel
    Andrew Kovzel
    CTO, Flo: Smart Period Tracker

    As a growing company, we found InData Labs’ expertise in data science invaluable. In almost two years of our cooperation, they’ve helped us define our data analytics strategy, build a scalable data pipeline, and improve menstrual cycle predictions with a sophisticated neural network.

  • Reviewed on Clutch
    David Cairns
    David Cairns
    CEO & Co-Founder, Skorebee

    We have used InData Labs help us create not only the scoring models, but also build frontend and backend components which have all been completed with high quality, within expected timelines, and with clear visibility into ongoing status. The InData team think in terms of being a long-term partner…not just a provider, and I would recommend them to anyone who values intelligent, diligent & proactive development partners.

  • Reviewed on Clutch
    CEO and Co-Founder of an Spinout from the University of Copenhagen

    Their competence in data science, machine learning is second to none. The algorithms and methods were extremely well-explained and documented. We were likewise impressed by the friendly and proactive engagement we got from every member of the team. We’re a very small organization with a limited budget, but they always treated us like our problems and our business was of utmost importance. In short, we got the same level of service that a company 1000x our size would have gotten.

  • Reviewed on Clutch
    Head of Business Development, Corporate Start-Up

    Their drive was strong, and the whole team pushed their limits to meet deadlines and make everything work. Their strengths showed throughout our collaboration.

    Give them a try, even with small projects to test them out. They won’t disappoint you, and they’re very open about what they can and can’t do. I would recommend them to anyone.


  • AI development involves creating software solutions that leverage artificial intelligence to solve specific problems or enhance functionalities. This process includes stages like concept ideation, prototyping, testing, and full-scale deployment, all aimed at integrating intelligent algorithms to improve performance and user experience.

  • The cost varies widely based on the complexity of the project, the technology used, and specific business requirements. It can range from a few thousand dollars for simple applications to several hundred thousand for sophisticated, large-scale solutions. For a precise estimate, it’s best to discuss your project’s scope and objectives with our team.

  • Integrating AI into the process involves identifying key areas where the technology can add value, then collaborating with experts to design and implement appropriate software applications. It involves collecting and analyzing data, developing and training tech models, and continually testing components to ensure optimal performance and alignment with your business objectives.

  • To craft a product, the first step is pinpointing a specific business pain area where AI can bring help. Next, consulting with our team of AI engineers and consultants to develop a strategy, including gathering data, model development, and initial proof of concept. Finally, together, we will iterate through testing and feedback to refine and optimize the product for full implementation.

  • An AI consultant helps businesses use artificial intelligence to spot vulnerabilities and achieve their goals. They assess a company’s needs and recommend appropriate strategies and technologies. They also help implement and optimize off-the-shelf solutions for maximum impact.

  • Technology is used in product management to analyze market trends, drive workflow optimization, and improve decision-making. It can automate repetitive tasks, provide predictive analytics, and offer personalized recommendations. In this way, managers develop more effective strategies and create better products.

  • The role of artificial intelligence in new product development is truly revolutionary, starting today. Automating routine tasks, deep data analysis, and rapid prototyping capabilities enable more personalized and adaptive products. What’s more, this approach reduces time-to-market and fuels innovation.

  • The four types of AI are reactive machines, limited memory, theory of mind, and self-aware AI.
    Reactive machines, like IBM’s Deep Blue, respond to specific inputs without memory. Limited memory AI, such as self-driving cars, learn from past experiences, while the theory of mind and self-aware AI, which involve understanding emotions and self-consciousness, remain largely theoretical and unachieved.

  • The life cycle includes several key stages: ideation, data collection, model development, testing, and deployment. Initially, we identify your problem and gather relevant data. Then, we develop and train our custom models. After rigorous testing and refinement, the final product is deployed and continuously monitored for improvements.

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