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Top digital trends for 2024: Predictions and insights

20 February 2024
Digital trends-s

Top digital trends for 2024 will be unprecedented technological advancements that will reshape the way businesses operate. Introducing them into corporate structures is a strategic move for all companies that want to stay ahead of the curve. The tech and digital marketing industry trends we discuss below will change the way organizations handle customer service, build products and services, as well as optimize their internal processes.

We aim to keep all the decision-makers informed and prepared to choose the innovations that match their business objectives the most. Thus, we’ve prepared a revolutionary digital trends report that will define the upcoming 12 months. Find out how they can pivot enterprises by reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and producing higher revenues.

Artificial intelligence

AI will be one of the most crucial technologies to expand in 2024. It will be widely adopted by companies that want to take advantage of its broad capabilities. There are many types of algorithms that artificial intelligence uses, like machine learning, large language models, generative AI, deep learning, and natural language processing. Each has different applications that will be tested in the months to come.

The technology that gained popularity thanks to OpenAI’s ChatGPT became so popular due to its diverse range of skills.

AI adoption

From predictive analytics to content creation, AI has become a number one wanted solution for brands worldwide. AI for small businesses will be one of the most interesting digital tendencies – it wasn’t available for brands without large budgets until now.

Generative AI

Generative AI will be one of the most important subsets of artificial intelligence to gain massive popularity in the next 12 months. Its remarkable ability to create new and original content autonomously will be used by a wide range of businesses in almost any industry – from healthcare to finance, E-commerce, and software development. This type of AI can even help solve complex problems and present innovative ideas, which will support companies on their journey towards visibility growth this year.

Unlike traditional AI systems, generative AI algorithms don’t need to follow pre-programmed rules to create satisfying results. They learn patterns and extract information from vast datasets to produce images, texts, or even music. They can also engage in conversations with people and produce human-like text or voice when paired with natural language processing (NLP) models. Generative AI will be used in 2024 to improve customer service, sales, marketing, and decision-making in small businesses and global enterprises.

AI implementation

Source: Unsplash

AI in the job market

According to Pluralsight’s report, 75% of organizations already introduced or plan to introduce AI solutions into their ecosystems. This means that the demand for skilled specialists and partners will be enormous. Right now, only 12% of IT employees are seasoned in building AI-driven solutions. Hence, one of the main digital trends when it comes to this technology will include the increased intensity of AI-related training, as well as more job advertisements for AI professionals like data engineers, analysts, data science experts, machine learning programmers, and researchers.

AI business applications

The market size for AI is estimated to reach $2.5 trillion by 2032. With a CAGR of 19%, it’s a rapid growth pace that presents a plethora of possibilities for providers and their clients. The main tasks it’s used for at the moment include generating responses for clients via chatbots and virtual assistants, content generation, personalized experiences design, and making data-driven decisions.

We can expect brands to take their AI efforts to the next level by introducing custom automation solutions that will handle many repetitive and mundane tasks, helping employees on all levels to be more productive and focus on cases that require human attention. AI consulting will also be on the rise to help companies turn all of their ambitious AI-driven plans into reality.

AI-powered chatbots

Virtual agents will be used to handle customer support, handle inquiries, inform, and even process orders in 2024. Thanks to AI, chatbots and voice bots will be able to deliver exquisite quality of service at all times and to a multitude of clients at once. Designed to engage with users using natural language and provide contextually relevant responses in real-time, AI chatbots will free customer reps’ time to solve complex or sensitive cases.

Some sources claim that chatbots powered with artificial intelligence can do from 30% to even 70% of tasks without human involvement. They can also be highly customized, which means they can be adjusted to the brand’s tone of voice and their clients’ conversational styles, providing an even more seamless experience.

Provide fast, 24/7 customer service
Build a custom chatbot to guide your clients at every step of their buying journey.
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From answering frequently asked questions to guiding users through complex processes, AI chatbots can directly contribute to operational efficiency, reduce costs, and provide unlimited scalability. Thanks to AI’s data analytics capabilities, chatbots can also check sentiment, craft personalized messages, and provide more detailed interactions adjusted to customer’s needs. In 2024, we can expect chatbots and voice bots to handle customer service and not be recognized due to their advancement.

Voice technologies

Smart speakers and voice assistants are shaping how people interact with online space. In the US, 40% of searches were done via voice requests, and 58% of these inquiries were made to find information about local businesses. Predictions suggest that by 2025, 75% of families will have a smart speaker in their home. It’s impossible to ignore the potential of voice technologies when 1 billion voice searches are done every month.

Businesses should consider optimizing their content for voice search as an imperative for maintaining their online visibility. Voice shopping is only expected to grow in 2024 and beyond. That’s why voice SEO (search engine optimization) and features dedicated to voice-based orders must be included in long-term growth strategies for most enterprises, especially for E-commerce, common goods, and groceries.

Voice assistants

Source: Unsplash

Powerful computing

Quantum and edge computing were in the spotlight for some time, but they weren’t available to a wide audience. With AI development, the requirement for powerful solutions is more substantial than ever. Almost every aspect of our lives and businesses is digitized, so we need robust infrastructures that will be able to process and transfer data, handle algorithms, simulate various scenarios, and do it all at speed.

IBM has plans to develop quantum hardware and middleware in the upcoming months. Google has created a Quantum AI platform that offers powerful tools for researchers. Forbes predicts that edge computing will replace cloud technologies as a remedy to the enormous amounts of produced data that can’t be handled by the systems we have today. We can expect that these advanced, sophisticated computing solutions will become the foundation for many business initiatives, providing frameworks for AI algorithms, automation systems, storage spaces, and data-based environments.


The release of faster, more stable, and more reliable networks is essential to handle all the technologies businesses operate on today. Due to the rise of remote work and globalization, companies want to improve their connectivity to be always available without disruption to their clients, employees, partners, and stakeholders. 5G is tailor-made to power up IoT applications, complex data-based platforms, AI-driven systems, and digitized work environments. High-speed, low-latency networks will become widely spread in 2024 with the promise of the introduction of 6G in 2030 to improve the results even more.

Software development

The next 12 months will bring numerous pivots to the IT realm. The importance of DevOps will be impossible to ignore. Other “Ops” types, like AIOps, LLMOps, DataOps, and MLOps will be on the rise to optimize operations, shorten time-to-market, increase the quality of results, and gain control over progress in tech projects. Organization and process management will be a strong digital movement for enterprises that aim to reduce costs and resource usage.

Platform engineering will be another important digital trend for software developers that could reshape the way they will build trending digital products in 2024. The necessity to create platforms that can handle a plethora of different apps, tools, and services can’t be ignored because more companies than ever rely on a wide range of systems they want to connect into single, user-friendly frameworks. Programmers will be engaged to build robust, easy-to-navigate platforms that will support goal-oriented work, eliminate confusing dependencies, and simplify daily usage.

Software engineering

Source: Unsplash

Artificial intelligence will have an enormous impact on software development practices. From generating code snippets, testing the written programs, and future-proofing the existing apps, to building AI-driven products with automated features – there’s no doubt that IT engineers will have to learn how to use, deploy, and maintain algorithms within software.

It won’t be as important to know a specific programming language as to be a multi-skilled professional with knowledge of the most recent technologies and eagerness to quickly learn about new digital transformation trends. Flexible, adaptable, experienced specialists will be able to find interesting career opportunities and will be valued by their employers. Soft skills will also be expected from employers since they are necessary to build software products that will be appreciated by users. Companies will value problem-solving, creativity, a proactive approach, and a people-oriented mindset, too.


A new era of immersive experiences is coming thanks to Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Extended Reality (ER or XR). There are various ways businesses can take advantage of these technologies. Their growing popularity and accessibility will allow companies to reach new audiences by creating modern marketing and sales strategies. They will also bring new opportunities to build unique products and services that will use the full potential of VR, AR, or ER.

Customers will be presented with a chance to be a part of interactive product demonstrations, mixed reality events, and immersive shopping sessions, where interactions with the brands will resemble face-to-face contact. Internal endeavors will be enriched with remote training simulations, virtual meetings, and collaborative activities that will feel less out of touch and more like being in one room.

Although there are challenges, like making the devices lighter without compromising battery size, AR apps and VR headsets are becoming more advanced and demanded by consumers. Apple’s decision to create Vision Pro goggles and start selling them in February 2024 proves that tech giants are serious about introducing VR and other immersive technologies into their customers’ everyday lives. Businesses can take advantage of such digital commerce trends to increase sales.


Source: Unsplash


Thanks to the expansion of ER, VR, and AR technologies, the metaverse concept has become a paradigm shift that is predicted to be an integral part of the digital world in the years to come. In 2024, we can expect the further expansion of virtual worlds, providing various possibilities for businesses – from advertising to building connections with customers. Metaverse will become another medium to promote customer engagement, communicate with clients, meet during events like product presentations or demos, and solve problems in a more personalized manner.


Achieving customer satisfaction and loyalty will be much more challenging in the next 12 months without a personalization strategy. Fortunately, thanks to new trends in Big data analytics and AI, companies will be able to build products, services, and marketing campaigns adjusted to the individual preferences of their customers. Not only streaming services, E-commerce stores, and social media will be able to use the power of personalization to their advantage. Other businesses will also be able to harness its potential to improve their customer service, offers, and sales processes.

AI and other advanced technologies like image recognition will have to converge with cookieless personalization practices, data privacy, and user anonymization to achieve the expected results. Clients want individual treatment, but they don’t want to compromise their personal information. That’s why it’s important to rely heavily on first-party data, eliminating third-party data whatsoever. This way, businesses will be able to gain trust while still delivering tailored content.

Brand-appropriate marketing

Although many digital trends, like influencer marketing and short-form video content, have been present for a few years now, it’s important to acknowledge the right approach to marketing in 2024. With the unstopping popularity of social media and other digital marketing strategies, it will be important to focus on outstanding branding and pick the communication channels true to each company’s unique style, target audience, and business goals. Using AI will be a way to quickly produce interesting visuals, generate valuable content, improve SEO, and find ideas that will help organizations thrive in the digital environment.


Sustainability efforts are expected to be an integral part of companies’ strategies in 2024. Consumers want to live in a better future, and they want brands to take responsibility for their actions. That’s why green initiatives, eco-friendly materials, and technologies that can reduce a negative influence on the environment will be among top digital transformation trends. Businesses will have to be transparent about their emissions, and they will be obliged to introduce practices that will minimize their environmental impact. Green computing will become imperative for brands that want to build energy-efficient data centers, reduce e-resource waste, optimize processes for better power management, and integrate renewable energy sources.

AI can be an ally for sustainable organizations. It can process data to detect areas for improvement and automate activities that will lower carbon footprint, improve energy consumption, and distribute resources responsibly. Big data analysis is essential to create successful green programs that will preserve the planet’s biodiversity and slow down climate change. It’s important to collaborate with technological partners to help enterprises, governmental bodies, and NGOs improve Earth’s situation in the years to come.


In 2023, cybersecurity experts warned that the rapid adaptation of new technologies like generative AI can have unpredictable consequences for digital safety. Data leaks, security breaches, the rise of deep fakes, and data manipulation are real potential threats every company should consider when preparing their strategy for the new year. Prioritizing proactive defense, introducing safety practices, and incorporating sophisticated cybersecurity tools is a must for every digitally present business.

However, AI is not only perceived as a danger, but also as a chance to improve data safety. Algorithms are exceptional in swiftly detecting potential frauds, breaks, and system weaknesses. They can help decision-makers to quickly react when it’s most necessary. The significance of hiring cybersecurity specialists and training the existing employees will grow, too. Gartner forecasts that by 2025 many risks might be the result of insiders’ lack of knowledge and human errors, which means that having a workforce that is tech-savvy, aware of potential dangers, and procedure-oriented is a must.

Sustainable AI

Source: Unsplash

Ethics and privacy

The online environment used to be like the Wild West, where users did not know what happened to their data, and the organizations were not regulated at all. However, 2024 will be a year of building digital trust. Consumers want brands to respect their privacy and protect their data. They also want personalization that doesn’t seem to be a result of surveillance and data hoarding. Ethical considerations become increasingly complex, so it’s time to establish clear frameworks and robust privacy policies that will help businesses navigate the digital landscape.

Apple’s commitment to user privacy, exemplified by features like App Tracking Transparency, showcases a dedication to ethical data practices, setting a standard for businesses seeking to build trust and transparency in their digital operations. Google’s efforts towards making their browser cookieless is another example of a practice that is supposed to reduce the amount of processed data, prevent companies from sharing information with other parties, and improve privacy in the long run. More similar initiatives are expected to answer the demands for more ethical internet space.

Legal regulations for tech

We won’t only see new laws regarding user privacy in 2024. All technological sectors can expect upcoming regulations that will dictate the most crucial practices to follow by businesses to be sustainable and secure. Artificial intelligence is one of the areas to be under the radar of governments the most, with the EU’s AI Act being at the forefront of these efforts to protect citizen’s data and prevent dangerous usage of algorithms.

Besides laws being prepared, we can expect courts to verify companies’ transparency and pass sentences to the ones that resort to illegal practices. In the US, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) already fined Amazon for privacy breaches and Fortnite creators for tricking users into buying digital items they didn’t intend to.

AI regulations

Source: Unsplash

In 2024, non-profit organizations, courts, and governments will fight battles against monopolies, disrespect to human rights in the virtual space, mistreatment of employees, as well as copyright infringement, unfair competition, and misuse of intellectual property. Preventing injustice in these areas will not only protect people but will also lower the financial losses of creators and increase the level of responsibility, especially for large corporations.


Top digital transformation trends for 2024 have a few things in common. Responsibility, care for the environment, protection of privacy, and personalized approach will dominate the upcoming months. Companies have to harness the potential of technologies to achieve synergy between sustainability, compliance with legal obligations, and meeting the demands of their customers. Working with a trusted tech provider is the best move to achieve all the business goals through the implementation of a robust, custom solution that meets all the requirements of the modern world.

Fortunately, in the era of digitization and globalization, enterprises can quickly find trusted, seasoned partners and start working towards their objectives with specialists who are aware of all the digital trends and requirements we’ve mentioned in this article. We believe that collaboration between businesses, outsourcing tech needs, digital transformation consulting, and building tailored digital products will be B2B tendencies that will allow brands to focus on their core activities while all their AI or big data projects are taken care of. 2024 will definitely be the year of opportunities, exponential growth, and numerous successes.

The time to digitize is now InData Labs provides services in AI-driven digital transformations, covering all the points above and providing professional support in technology integration. Contact us

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